
My photo
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Widowed 2009. Have the love of my family and close friends to buoy me when needed. Planning to re-join the work force this year. Hopefully my sister will be visiting from UK with her husband for a holiday - I love my family! Would love to re-visit Scotland some time soon.

July 31, 2009

Roaming Gnome

I will soon embark on my travels. firstly to England via Singpaore and Dubai. Travelling with highly recommended Emirates Airlines I shall be well looked after I'm sure and the only worry I have about the flight is that I don't snore when I fall asleep :)

I will write about my adventures as often as possible for those of you interested and will also endeavour to add photos along the way so you too may share my travels.

The name I've chosen here was conjured up by Rachael & Steven because being vertically challenged my supposed lack of height is a usual topic of conversation. So you see I am BIG enough to take it :)

Watch this space!


July 30, 2009


Zygocactus is one name for this beautiful plant, Holiday Cactus, Easter Cactus a plant named for some of the most popular celebration times of the year - I think that says something about the longevity of this particular plant.
It's an old plant, passed on from one generation to the other and never seems to lose it's allure for pergolas and balconies and windowsills in cooler climates.
I believe they originate from Brazill which surprises me as it flowers in cooler climates, it's a joy each year to see those buds appear and bloom in so many different colours to bring joy in it's own inimatble way.
Not bad for a epiphyte that usualy grows between 1000 and 1700 metres.
Treat yourself to one of these hardy, beautiful plant pots of colour and joy.

July 29, 2009


Ripples every time I move
warm water, amniotic fluid
soft music, ethereal in its essence
my mind no longer arid.

Closed eyes, open mind
I let the feelings come
total relaxation. Wet hair
an idyllic place I roam,
music, audibly yet softly played
behind my purple veil
as I lie here in this heaven
to lost islands I’ve raised sail.

Purple swirls in mists of time
take me to a higher plane
I linger here, there is no rush
I need this to stay sane.
Lost inside my reverie
I’m at one, myself, just me
behind my eyelids gently closed
such wonders I can see.

Candles burning, sometimes flicker
their aroma fills my head
listening intently to my ‘voice’
to remember what is said.
Time passes by, feeling inert
My body clocks tells me:
It’s time to go the water’s cold
With no more tracks on my CD! :)

Von Powell©

July 22, 2009

Constant Companion

I have a constant companion, her name is Jess. She will be 5 years old in August - in people years that's 35!
She is totally black except for her blue eyes, with a little dark brown (from her Mom) around her muzzle and I adore her.
She is my dog yes, but much more than that. Since the death of my husband (who named her) she has been the beating heart I come home to each time, the eyes I see every morning are hers, she talks to me in her own fashion and I her; in fact we are the best of friends and she really is a 'constant' in my life.
I come home from a trip to the shop perhaps and I'm greeted with such gusto it must have felt like 2 weeks for her.
Nothing makes her happier than running for her ball in our yard over and over and over >>>>
This little dog has been my saving grace over the past lonely months and I wish she understood me when I tell her so.

July 20, 2009

Edith Wharton

There are two ways of spreading light:
to be the candle or the mirror
that reflects it.

© Edith Wharton

Schoolgirl French

My daughter in law is taking French Lessons! It’s time she states. Last night Rachael came over to stay with me and together with her French phrases we had a a gigglethon. I left school in 1967; I had attempted to learn to speak French at school, unfortunately it wasn’t conversational French, however I did learn to count to ten, that a door is female and how to open and close said door :)
However, last night as we were attempting to get the accent ‘just right’ (which isn’t easy ) words came flooding back, words take note not sentences that had been buried in my memory banks for decades.
We giggled a lot and Rach made notes but by the end of the evening I had remembered enough to wish her:

"Bonne nuit Rachael mon cher"

Maybe there is hope for me yet!

July 12, 2009

Rabindranath Tagore

When death comes and whispers to me,
"Thy days are ended,"
let me say to him, "I have lived in love
and not in mere time."
He will ask, "Will thy songs remain?"
I shall say, "I know not, but this I know
that often when I sang I found my eternity."


I've been 'away' for a while, not physically but emotionally. I have now experienced some of the ‘1st’ anniversaries of my bereavement and they haven’t been easy.
My Husbands birthday, 19th June was a very difficult day. My son and I travelled to the Crematorium to see my husbands’ name on a wall with a tiny bud vase for a small flower tribute at the side.
The tears flowed and memories came flooding to mind, but sad and painful memories which were outnumbered easily by happier times and yet the sad ones prevailed. I’m not sorry I went though as it made me feel stronger knowing for certain that David is not there, he is where ever I am. He is at home, in the car, by my side guiding and caring for me as he always did.
Each day I miss him, I miss his voice and the fun we had for so many happy years together. I have to hold on to them for as long as I’m able.