
My photo
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Widowed 2009. Have the love of my family and close friends to buoy me when needed. Planning to re-join the work force this year. Hopefully my sister will be visiting from UK with her husband for a holiday - I love my family! Would love to re-visit Scotland some time soon.

February 25, 2010

Been a While.

Nearly one whole year since David's passing - hard to believe you may think - for me not really. I count each day and possibly will continue to do so for some time to come.

I'm trying to get some order and structure into my life now. I'm working 2 mornings a week; volunteer work, both admin and 'hands on' with the Aged and have to admit I enjoy it. 

I've been to the Theatre a few times lately too, I find this very invigorating and although I love to laugh not all of my future program is comedy.

I planned to go away alone for a few days but lost my nerve and have cancelled for now - hoping I won't feel this way if I do plan to go somewhere else. Only time will tell.

I've had health issues which were a worry at the time but since been resolved -thankfully, makes me more aware of having to care for myself better than I have been doing.

I've also taken on the job of Treasurer for the Social group I belong too, something else to keep my brain on the go :))

A few things in the fire for the near future which keep my interest alight but not saying anything just yet.

Good Health!
