
My photo
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Widowed 2009. Have the love of my family and close friends to buoy me when needed. Planning to re-join the work force this year. Hopefully my sister will be visiting from UK with her husband for a holiday - I love my family! Would love to re-visit Scotland some time soon.

August 24, 2009

Long Overdue Holiday to Scotland

What a wonderful time I've had over the last week in rainy, misty, windy, sunny, warm, friendly Scotland. 4 people stand out and will remain in my memory as constants when reliving my experiences there. One of the ladies is the General Manager of McColls Hotel in Dunoon - she is the heart and soul of the place and in my opinion is irreplaceable. The other 3 people will know who they are and I thank them here for the fun, laughter, friendship and consideration for me. though knowing these very special people for a short time I feel that I've known them for so much longer.

I will write more of my new love - Scotland when I can - it will take me a while to get my thoughts and photographs together.

August 14, 2009

In the 'Old Dart'

Following an uneventful flight from Australia I arrived in England sore, stiff and tired but not hungry :)
Sleep evaded me for the most part so I was very pleased to touch down at last to have my niece, sister and husband waiting for me.

Today, is the 14th August, I have been here just over 1 week. I have spent valuable time with family members, getting to know my sisters grandchildren, done a little ‘shopping’ as one does (especially for shoes) and I have to pack on Saturday for a week in Scotland leaving on Sunday morning.
I’m travelling alone; albeit with a group of people all going in a similar direction but I have the opportunity to stay with them or move around on my own – I intend to do a little of both.

For the time being I’m enjoying being in the ‘slow lane’ – which is taking some getting used to. I’m also feeling just a tad homesick but it won’t last long, though there are some special people and a little black dog I think of every day.
More to come>>>>>>