
My photo
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Widowed 2009. Have the love of my family and close friends to buoy me when needed. Planning to re-join the work force this year. Hopefully my sister will be visiting from UK with her husband for a holiday - I love my family! Would love to re-visit Scotland some time soon.

December 23, 2010

A Night in Dubai

On the trip back to England I've ancountered a glitch - not personally you understand but the air craft I was travelling on didn't make it here in time to meet my connection to UK, Consequently I've spent the night in a rather nice, very friendly Hotel with courteous staff, a comfy bed and very good tucker I may add. Goodbye diet - for now!
My plane leaves at 8am local time and I should be in Birmingham by 11.30 UK time. It's 5.20 in Dubai right now and I leave here at 6am for the airport. Soon be in the snow!   Can't wait !!!! Of course watch this space as my attitude may differ slightly as time goes on  LOL   :)

November 27, 2010

I'm a Mother-in-Law :)

The reality didn't hit me right away - more of a slow realisation that I'm now a Mother-in-Law. I do however feel satisfied in the knowledge that it's usually the Bride's Mother who suffered the brunt of most of the jokes not the Grooms - Phew! that's a relief :)

October 23, 2010

Wedding News

Just 2 short weeks to go before my only child, my son Steven marries his Rachael. A beach wedding being held on the Island where they live in Moreton Bay.
They have worked so hard to make this happen. Everything is falling into place and the only element we have no control over of course is the weather! However, as a plan B is also part of the contingency plan we won’t worry about that.
Beautiful Bali Flags and colourful clothes for all are the order of the day and from what I know of the service that Steve and Rachey have put together, it will be wonderful.
One of the highlights of course is that my Niece Amanda and husband Simon will be here from England to share in their special day. Like myself have only 2 weeks to fit so much into the time they have.
After the wedding, the 3 of us will be going on a mini-break so they can also experience Fraser Island a not–to-be-missed place for any holiday itinerary – wouldn’t you say?
I feel so strongly about this that I’m going to drive them to Hervey Bay myself, make them stay there for 3 days just to make sure they get on the boat – the sacrifices I make for those I love  ha ha!
However, I digress ( I will write about their experiences at a later date).  2 weeks to go until my boy is a married man. His responsibilities won’t change, he won’t love Rachey any more than he does now as he loves her so much already. His relationship with me won’t change, so what will do you think?
I shall have a new daughter! This lovely girl whom I have grown to love so much will be a permanent member of my family and we shall share the same surname.
I shall add photos of course after the event. Now all I have to do is write my speech as in the absence of Steve’s Dad I’d better make it a good one.  I’m planning on a 2-tissue epic!

Keeping a promise

Dear Blog,
A promise is a promise after all and I did say I wouldn’t stay away so long any more.
I have news: I’m going to England for Christmas this year. It was a sudden decision really and after my boss giving me the time off that I need it’s now all booked and in 8 weeks time I’ll be UP, UP and Away!
My English family are so happy and my dear little great-nephew Ben is thrilled as I will be there for his 5th birthday – and talking to his Nanna his instructions were – and I quote: “
Tell Aunty Bonnie to be here for my birthday so she can have some of my cake” How could anyway refuse such an offer. I haven’t seen this little boy for over a year and he speaks of me as it was yesterday. Cannot wait to see him or little Sophie who is 3 now and quite the little dancer and performer I believe.
My sister, Wendy is taking extra holiday to spend each day together. We are all, as a family, going for a Christmas Lunch so no one is cooking (which suits both my sister and myself) or washing up (which suits my brother in law) :). New Year will be an event too as we are travelling into Gloucestershire and staying overnight. I reckon my sister and I will have a couple of wines together that night.
Two weeks is all I have and will be here and gone in no time but I fully intend to make the most of every day of my time there.
More will be revealed in 2011

Sydney Mini Break

23rd October,2010
And so we continue.... My trip to Sydney was a lovely weekend. My lovely old mate Barry was a fantastic tour guide and looked after me very well.
I was able to up close and personal with the Opera House and what a magnificent building it is. There was a wedding on the steps whilst we were there and the bride looks stunning, especially against the backdrop.
During daylight it’s stunning, in the evening with her sails alight from inside and standing out of Circular Quay as one of the worlds landmarks she is a Magnificent sight to see.
The weekend went by so fast, too fast in fact and I was home in no time, no hassles at all. A perfect weekend in many ways, more than just a change of scenery but a slight change in my attitude towards my future too.

September 26, 2010

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,
My apologies for not being around for a while, quite a while in fact. A lot has been happening in my life, not all good but thankfully I can say in the main I’m ok.
The good stuff: my Niece Natasha married her man Shane just over a week ago. It was a lovely wedding, out in the open, overlooking a lake, plenty of Wildlife; a few drops of rain had a few of us scurrying for our umbrellas, fortunately not really needed. So many photographs: well over 2000 by the Professional photographer, Peter, a friend of my late Husband, his shots were truly lovely as I was able to sneak preview later in the evening on his laptop.
I am so looking forward to seeing the ones of Steven and I, he asked Steve to crouch down so that I looked so much taller than he did – it made us both laugh! It has been a very long time since I was taller than my Son – about 25 years in fact :)!
My eyes did leak during the evening when I read a little poem for the bride and groom I had written for them. I of course mentioned my Husband, as he was not by my side he was greatly missed on this special day. When I had finished reading there were other eyes leaking too – must have been the air-conditioning.
Of course another wedding in November when Steve marries his/our lovely Rachael, David will be sadly missed on this very special occasion too, perhaps in a deeper way as his Son will be married on the beach near his home. He and David spent so many happy hours on the water, fishing, talking about whatever it was men talk about. I know it will be an emotional day, but at this time of writing I have no idea how deeply we will all be affected by David’s absence.
My aim though is to try very hard to make the day as pleasant and uplifting as possible. Our Son is marrying the woman he loves and she loves him so there is plenty to be happy about.
I am off to Sydney in a couple of weeks just for a change of scenery; I’m being taken around the City by an old friend from school in UK – that was a very long time ago.
I’ll probably have something to say upon my return.
Bye for now Blog no promises but I will try not to stay away so long before the next post.

July 23, 2010

I'm back! :)

I’m surprised to see the date of my latest posting – April this year; how time does fly !
A lot has happened since April – My Son and soon to be daughter in law (officially) will be married in November. My Niece Natasha will be marrying her man in September – exciting times ahead for these dear younger people. Fingers crossed my sister will be travelling to Australia for my son’s wedding – still not sure yet – depending on lots of things mainly the health of her husband – we shall see.
My part-time job seems to be expanding before my eyes and now I’m there 4 full days a week – not quite sure how this happened but for as  long as I enjoy the work and feel that I’m doing something useful for the Community then I shall stay.
I begin studies in Community Service very soon and now I have a a large area for a new program ‘all to myself’.This entails producing ideas (and actually asking people what they think they might like to do) then putting ideas into practice to encourage senior citizens out of their homes and into the community centres in their own community – big ask I think – however I’m not daunted and I’ll see it through.
Each Friday morning I spend time with the most diverse group of older people – each one I have come to respect and admire for their patience, fortitude and dogged determination to remain as active as possible. Two of these people are wheelchair-bound and I am constantly reminded that though my own life has struggles and days of loneliness and a ‘woe-is-me’ attitude I’m so fortunate in comparison.
June 2010
Anyway enough from me for today -   good health to all :)   Von

April 17, 2010

New Beginnings

I've been offered a part-time job! I didn't have to search for it, be interviewed, become stressed over any rejections, nothing of the sort.How lucky am I?

I've been working in a volunteer position for a few weeks and I have enjoyed it very much so to be offered a paid position doing something I love is a bonus I never expected.

This truly is a sample of my New beginning! 

February 25, 2010

Been a While.

Nearly one whole year since David's passing - hard to believe you may think - for me not really. I count each day and possibly will continue to do so for some time to come.

I'm trying to get some order and structure into my life now. I'm working 2 mornings a week; volunteer work, both admin and 'hands on' with the Aged and have to admit I enjoy it. 

I've been to the Theatre a few times lately too, I find this very invigorating and although I love to laugh not all of my future program is comedy.

I planned to go away alone for a few days but lost my nerve and have cancelled for now - hoping I won't feel this way if I do plan to go somewhere else. Only time will tell.

I've had health issues which were a worry at the time but since been resolved -thankfully, makes me more aware of having to care for myself better than I have been doing.

I've also taken on the job of Treasurer for the Social group I belong too, something else to keep my brain on the go :))

A few things in the fire for the near future which keep my interest alight but not saying anything just yet.

Good Health!


January 03, 2010



No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.
-- C.S. Lewis

This year I would like to be kinder than its predecessors 2008/2009.

The death of my Husband after a terrible illness in March 2009 was an experience that has changed my life and my expectations for my future for evermore.
No more can I plan for ‘us’ – now it’s just ‘me’. 9 months on now since the saddest day of my life, 6th March took my David away from me. I’ve had to make adjustments, some good, some not so good and difficult to carry out but I’ve tried to be strong and to do what is right for me.
My loving family and close friends continue to watch over me and they too try to do their very best for me. I’m very fortunate that I have so many people in my life who do care what happens to me and how I live my life.
Not being a part of a couple is so very difficult for me still and will continue to be so I’m sure; however I feel stronger as the events that have changed my life have also changed me.
I now make my own decisions; I have to as I have no one here to defer to.
I try to move forward as a widow; no longer a wife BUT I’m still a Mother and my son gives me many reasons to be proud of him and the way he and his/our Rachael lead their lives. I know his Dad would be very proud of him too.

Perhaps, they are not stars in the sky, but rather
openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy.

-- Inuit Legend

I'm Gone now, but I'm still very near.
Death can never separate us.
Each time you feel a gentle breeze,
It's my hand caressing your face.
Each time the wind blows,
It carries my voice whispering your name.
When the wind blows your hair ever so slightly,
Think of it as me pushing a few stray hairs back in place.
When you feel a few raindrops fall on your face,
It's me placing soft kisses.
At night look up in the sky and see the stars shining so brightly.
I'm one of those stars and I'm winking at you and smiling with delight.
For never forget you're the apple of my eye.

-- Mary M. Green

December 31, 2009

Goodbye & Good Riddance 2009

Goodbye 2009 - I'm glad you're finally finished. It was quite a battle there between you and I for a while.

You have pushed, pulled and nearly torn me apart, sometimes you nearly succeeded but I'm so glad to see you gone.
I can only hope your successor 2010 is a lot kinder to my family and 1 than you were.

Goodbye and Good Riddance!

December 25, 2009

How do I describe a ‘vacant’ feeling?
I move, I speak, I interact with others but there is a huge part of me sitting in reserve, untapped and dormant.
I have today, celebrated Christmas, my first without my Husband by my side.
Looking back on the day I seem to have been operating on remote control as I don’t remember a lot of what has gone on before this moment.  Home alone now I can think clearer and feel so glad that ‘Christmas’ is over for this year and I can now prepare myself to deal  with  a whole new set of challenges and anniversaries.
I haven’t been ‘excited’ about Christmas for many years, since my son was little, remembering well those halcyon days when Santa was a real person  and the 3 of us enjoyed Christmas morning so much – they were a pure joy. - Not so now with a huge void in my life.
I hope that one day I will feel more at ease with my current lifestyle – It’s a goal I have to work toward – I have a long way to go.